Tbtou: +223 21 92 10 48
Bamako: +223 20 20 27 28
Created by Ordinance n ° 77-45 / CMLN of July 12, 1977, the interventions of the AMSS in the region of Timbuktu date back to:
1st phase or observation or design phase from 1975 to 1991 : During this phase, the promoters of the AMSS participated especially in the implementation of emergency actions in collaboration with the staff of the "Service Quaker", an American NGO which operated in the Goundam circle from 1975 to 1991 ;
2nd phase or phase of creation or actual existence in 1991. This American NGO, from the start and as part of the transfer of skills, had planned to give way when the time came, to a local organization. Thus, in 1991, after 16 years of presence in Mali, the Quaker service estimated that the Malian executives with whom it worked during this period acquired the necessary skills to take charge of all the activities that have been carried out. He therefore withdrew to make room for the new NGO, the Malian Association for Survival in the Sahel (AMSS), the creation of which was effective in Bamako on July 12, 1991, the date of the adoption of its statutes and internal regulations. . The AMSS is carried out among other objectives: the establishment of development projects in close collaboration with local populations in order to ensure the promotion and development of basic initiatives as well as the design and execution of any action in favor of of development. Its approach from now on is self-promotion to broadly involve the populations to whom the initiatives of the projects come. At this start, the preferred area of the AMSS was only the Goundam circle. AMSS now participates in support actions for populations affected by drought through emergency aid and rehabilitation actions.
3rd phase or phase of partnership development from 1992. From this year, 1992 already, the AMSS participated in the execution of a vast program of community development in the circle of Goundam in collaboration with its main financial partner (ICCO). Since then, after each three-year program, new orientations are given to the program by mutual agreement with the various partners (AMSS, technical and financial partners and the beneficiaries who are the grassroots communities). The community development program of Goundam gives way to that of Killy in the circle of Goundam and Diré and whose interventions mainly focus on : activities of operating market gardening areas, sinking of wells, primary health, literacy, construction of grain stores, crafts, support loans to IGAs, organizational and institutional strengthening of organizations in the civil society, support for the implementation of decentralization and democratic governance, etc. It is around this main Killy program that the other programs and projects currently being carried out by AMSS revolve. The ambition of AMSS remains to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of the marginalized strata (women and young people) to civic life and to the reduction of poverty by increasing incomes in harmony with the protection of the environment.
4th phase or phase of diversification of partnership and intervention area : From 2003 to date, the AMSS has opted for an opening of these interventions to the entire region of Timbuktu, which it covers entirely today. She intervened mainly in the fields of: hydraulics, agriculture, the promotion of women, health, savings - credit, Education / training, environmental protection, organizational and institutional strengthening. , decentralization and citizenship. Since then, the actions of the AMSS have experienced more expansion each year through the diversification of financial partners, targets and areas of intervention.
5th phase or that of trials and rebirth from April 2012 : This phase was first that of anguish and doubt followed by a stage of rehabilitation and renewed hope. At the start of the events, the concern for those in charge of the structure was to ensure the security of their lives and those of their families. All the leaders had dispersed in other localities but through good communication and coordination, today the structure is gradually recovering in : a) creating an office in Bamako in the absence of the head office fixed in Timbuktu and inaccessible for a while, b) by relaunching contacts with partners and providing them with proof of the feasibility of the activities by presenting the products emanating from the missions of field monitoring. New actions (financing agreements) were even negotiated by the AMSS during this time of suspension, particularly for the implementation of emergency actions.
5th phase after conflict or phase of regained hope where several initiatives are being implemented. With the revision of the NGO's framework agreement, AMSS covered in 2016 in addition to the region of Timbuktu, the region of Ségou, Mopti through its Economic Recovery and Governance project. of Local Affairs and Gao, Kidal, Mopti and Timbuktu with the Social Cohesion Protection and Gender-Based Violence Monitoring project funded by the High Commissioner for Refugees