Tbtou: +223 21 92 10 48
Bamako: +223 20 20 27 28
Support Project for the Strengthening of the Culture of Peace and Non-violence in 34 Communes of the Timbuktu, Gao and Mopti Regions / 2017-2020
1. Location :
Intervention regions :
Timbuktu region : (13 towns)
Circle of Timbuktu : Municipalities of Bourem Inaly, Lafia and Urban Timbuktu
Circles of Gourma - Rharous : Communes of Rharous, Hamzakoma, Bambara Maoudé, Gossi, Inadjatafène and Ouinerdène
Circle of Goundam : Municipalities of Télé and urban Goundam,
Circle of Diré : Municipalities d'Arham and Tenguéréguef
Gao region : (11 towns)
Circle of Gao : Municipalities by Gao, Gabero, intillit and Gounzoureye,
Ansongo Circle : Communes of Ansongo, Bara and Bourra, Ouatagouna, Tin Hamma, Tessit and Talataye,
Mopti region : (10 towns)
Bankass Circle : Municipalities of Diallassagou, Ouenkoro and Sokoura
Circle of Mopti : municipalities of Konna, Ouroubé Doubé, Dialloubé and Koubaye
Circle of Djenné : Municipalities of Nema Bad Kafo
Circle of Douentza : Municipalities of Douentza and Hombori
2. Budget : 174 824 127 FCFA / year 1
3. Results expected by the program :
Result 1 : Authorities communities have adopted and practice the principles of good governance vis-à-vis the communities.
Outcome 2 : Communities are able to prevent and / or manage conflicts.
Outcome 3 : The interests of communities involved in local conflicts, peace and security are represented and brought to scale vis-à-vis the national government and international security and development actors through a networking approach aimed at the effective treatment of the causes deep conflicts.
4. Results achieved by the program :
The results achieved by the program during the period from April to December 2017 mainly focus on :
34 dialogue frameworks organized on the planning and management of local public affairs with the participation of representatives of the administration (prefects and sub-prefects), municipal officials, community leaders, youth and women's leaders, technical services and other civil society actors.
34 plans capacity building for municipal actors in conflict resolution and citizenship are available,
34 animated dialogue spaces (i.e. one space per municipality),
34 CRC set up
68 religious leaders (2 / municipalities) trained on the factors of violent extremism and radicalization,
Organization of 12 Inter - Community meetings,
Signature of 12 conflict resolution agreements / commitments ;
Technical and financial support for the implementation of the action plans of the EPRCs, women and young people.
5. Partners and their contributions :
ICCO (Inter-Church Organization for Cooperation of the Netherlands) / Embassy of the Netherlands
6. Beneficiaries :
The target groups consist of : 197 elected in Timbuktu, 128 elected in Gao and 152 elected in Mopti, 340 traditional leaders, 68 religious leaders (Muslims and Christians), 100 radio hosts, 60 traditional communicators and 680 members of citizen radio clubs benefiting from activities, members of women's and youth associations.
Press Book and Media
Video presentation of 3P
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